The Wrong Project

We are thrilled to report that  A.R. Hopwood, artist and Wellcome Trust Engagement Fellow, will join Healthy Scepticism as an artist-in-residence. Funded via a King’s Arts and Intelligence Project grant, Hopwood will create a new participatory archive and develop artworks that ruminate on the Healthy Scepticism project’s aim to offer new critical perspectives on the recent history and future of scepticism - from essential form of knowledge building to rhetorical cover for misinformation campaigns. Entitled ‘The Wrong Project,’ Hopwood’s foci will include explorations of what it means to be ‘wrong’ about something, how our minds can be ‘changed’ and what constitutes ‘critical thinking’ in our so-called misinformation age.

NOTE: This project has been put on hold due to COVID-19 funding lapses.

Caitjan Gainty