Health(y) Spaces


Film by Helmie Stil.

One family living their normal lives, in a five-sided box during lockdown. In a way we always live this way, within our own minds, but during this epidemic our walls have closed in. We adjust so quickly. Scary, perhaps, but also beautiful: we adapt, we change, we find a new normal. What boxes us in? The opinions of others? Of experts? Of friends? Or is it the media? Or the systems – of healthcare, of a nation – that box us? Or do we do the boxing ourselves, to cope, to get by?


Film by Helmie Stil. Poem by Wayne Holloway-Smith.

“The film is a way to make people visualize that health and healthcare are not just about doctors and patients, but also about patients' loved ones and that besides diseases as clinical entities, there's a space in our imagination where we and our loved ones can still be free from illnesses, doctors, tests, treatments and whatever medicine tries to force onto us and forces us to embody, an underwater where medicine can't find us and we and our loved ones can feel and be as we wish ourselves and them to be….” Grazia de Michele